Surgical Care for Diseases of the Skin and Nails
Saffron and Blue Medical Clinic, Ennis
Dr. Colum Gavin MB BCh MICGP FSCCA
Dr. Gavin is in full-time practice at Saffron & Blue Medical Clinic.
Having completed the Skin Cancer College of Australasia Fellowship program in 2017, his practice now focuses primarily on the diagnosis and management of skin cancer in a primary care setting.
He performs full skin checks, using dermoscopy to aid early diagnosis. Management options provided include surgical treatments, ranging from ellipse to flaps/grafts, along with non-surgical treatments in appropriate cases. Complex cases are discussed at local multidisciplinary team with secondary care colleagues.
Having lectured throughout the UK and Australia, Dr. Gavin enjoys teaching and mentoring other doctors in the field of skin cancer medicine and surgery.
He received the scholarship for the highest marks in the OSCE Fellowship Exam in 2017 (Brisbane). He continues to expand his evidence based knowledge by being an active member of Skin Cancer College Australasia, daily blog case presentation as well as by attending the World Dermoscopy Congress.
Located at Clareabbey, Ennis, Co. Clare