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Surgical Care for Diseases of the Skin and Nails
About us.

Dr Niall Maguire

Dr Justin Kwong

Dr David Buckley
Surgical procedures without going to hospital.
GPs have always provided many of the small operations that are needed by their patients. In 2012, a group of GPs who had a special interest in this aspect of primary care formed the Primary Care Surgical Association (PCSA) to promote standards, training and research in skin surgery.
The PCSA has worked with the HSE and the Irish College of General Practitioners to promote the highest standards in surgical practice within primary care.
In 2020, a number of the founding members of the PCSA formed Community Surgery Ireland to provide a national network of GPs who have the capability to undertake many of the procedures that would otherwise be referred to hospitals. The ambition is to provide the right care, at the right time and in the right place.
Patients shouldn't have to wait for months, travel long distances or be added to hospital waiting lists in order to deal with the many skin and related conditions that are seen by GPs.
Dr David Buckley (Tralee) Dr Justin Kwong (Kilkenny) and Dr Niall Maguire (Navan) are the
current directors of CSI and are leading a nationwide team of expert GPs.
For more information, please email the Administrator:
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